Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Your Sifu Samgoss not Zhugeliang but 伪君子岳不群 Hahahaha!


  ▲ 了解心理防御机制


  ▲ 常见的心理防御机制有如下几种






  ▲ 从心理防御机制 看岳不群的伪装






  1. Come on! Can't you do better than making it personal? Lesson 101, talk on the subject itself. We debate on the subject for betterment.

    TA has its purpose and FA has its advantage. If you can't do well in TA, doesn't mean it's useless. Sam did quite well in FA. I can't see how this Seng or some of you be qualified as a TA pro.

  2. Super Sorhai, thanks for the response, hahahaha.
    What makes you think that anti Samgoss is equivalent to anti FA? Simple logic you also can not comprehend? Your response to me as if I was TA supporters? You know what, this just shows how bias the state of your sorhai mind is. In case your bias mind blocks you from reading my statements to you, read again
    "FA? = Buy Cheap? Dead wrong! For instance, when Buffett bought Coca-Cola, it was not cheap. I don't want to give you free lessons. You do some homeworks please. And, don't simply mention Buffett here and there please, not working for Malaysia one. Understand? Sorhai! You are just another tips follower.: Whoa! Jagan marah ah >o< hahahahaha

  3. oppps,let me add. Super Sorhai, I like what you wrote "Can't you do better than making it personal? " you may be sober on this... and maybe not, aren't your sifu samgoss is the King of Making It Personal? hahahaha... very ironic, I like it, Sorhai minds don't have logic.


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